Soft 404 Google Search Console

We know you are facing soft error 404 in google search console and now you are finding best solution to fix soft error 404 in google search console. If yes then no look further because we have the latest solution to fix this error. Soft 404 is not a big problem if you follow our guide to fix it. It is easy to solve after making changes in your articles you can easily fix it. 

Reason of soft error 404

There are mainly two reasons which causes this error in google search console. Number one is your articles length is to short to meet the indexing requirements set by google in this case you need to increase the content in your articles. 

For example if you have a 150 to 200 words articles then you guaranteed face soft 404 then to prevent it from this error you need to increase the number of words in your article. It is recommended to have 1000 to 1500 words plus words in your single article. 

Full of information articles can easily rank on google and they are easy to index in google search console. To get ranking and fight your competitor you need to write good articles.

Fix soft 404 error

There are three methods to fix soft 404 error. First method is just increase 

1. Words count:

The first and most common reason of soft 404 is the number of words in article. It may badly affect the search ranking of your content in search engines like, google, bing, yahoo, duckduckgo etc. To fix this error you just need to add some information in your article and make it user friendly. It is recommended to have 1500 to 2000 words articles to fix this error.

2. URL Inspection:

The second solution to fix soft 404 is use of a URL inspection tool provided by google search console. To use this tool you just need to copy the link of your article and paste it in URL inspection tool box and click inspect URL. Then google search console check the status of your article in search if it available on google then it is good but if it is not available then you just need to click on request indexing.

3. Validate Fix:

The third method to fix soft 404 in GSC is starting the validation process which is easy to use and full effective. To start validation process you just need to go to pages and click on pages with soft error 404 and click on start validation process. After clicking google search console will again check your content and index it if it meet its requirements of indexing. It is recommended to make changes in your articles before start of validation process.

Frequently asked Question

Now we are going to discuss about general questions related with soft 404 error. 

Are soft 404 bad for SEO?

Yes! They are bad for SEO and your site performance because they prevent your website article to show on google search result. It is important to fix them for good site performance and ranking.

Difference between soft 404 and 404? 

Both these error are different on the basis of their nature. Error 404 happed when the content is not available or deleted. But soft 404 happen when the article is available but have thin content that not get indexed by google search console.

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