Connect Blogger to cloudflare

Hello friends today in this article we are going to discuss about how you can easily connect your blogger website with cloud flare to increase your blogger website Speed, Performance and Security. Before we start the step by step guide we just need to know more about Cloud flare and Blogger

What is Blogger? 

Blogger is a free content manager system which host your website free of cost. Blogger is offered by google to use it and create a beautiful blog website. Mostly blogger is used as beginner level because it does not requires any technical knowledge to create and host a blog on it. You can easily create a blog with your gmail account for free it also gives you a free subdomain like this but you can later connect your blog with custom domain to give your blog professional look. 

What is cloudflare?

Cloud flare is a famous online application most of the peoples use it to increase the performance and security of their websites or online projects. Cloud flare also offers its services for free with a basic plan. When you move to next level of your business then you can easily upgrade your plan.

Connect Blogger to cloud flare

After knowing about the blogger and cloud flare it is time to know the procedure how to connect blogger with cloud flare.

  1. Sign Up for cloud flare or Log in to cloud flare
  2. Now click the option add site
  3. Click add site and put the domain name you want to connect with cloud flare
  4. Then choose the plan for start up choose the free plan
  5. Now click 
  6. Cloud flare gives you name servers 
  7. Then change the name servers of your domain and click save
  8. To change the name servers you just need to go to your domain registrar 
  9. Click on manage domain, Now click DNS/Name servers and change the name servers to the cloud flare name servers.
  10. Name servers propagation takes 24 to 48 hours to propagate.
  11. When the name servers are changed then cloud flare send you an email notification that your site is now active on cloud flare.
  12. Now you need to go to blogger setting 
  13. Click Setting then choose add custom domain
  14. Now blogger will give you two CNAME record 
  15. Which you need to add them in cloud flare
  16. To add these CNAME you need to go to cloud flare 
  17. Click DNS setting and add these two records 
  18. After 2 to 3 hours your blogger website will go live on cloud flare with increased performance and security.
This is the fastest and easiest way to connect your blogger website with cloud flare for free.

Benefits of Using Cloud Flare with Blogger:

There are many benefits of using cloud flare with blogger. But the most important and useful features are given. Improved performance, Up time Guarantee, Increased speed and performance, Free SSL, Free CDN, User friendly interface. Cloud flare is best for high traffic website it also protect your website from bot attack because it prevent bot attack at DNS level. 

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