How can I earn by writing

There are many ways to make money by writings. If you want to start your career in writing or want to gain any online writing work then this article is helpful for you because in this article we are going to tell you the most important and trending works to make money with writing.

Best ways to make money with writing

These are the best ways to make money with good writing skills. 

  • Assignment writing
  • Content writing
  • Blogging
  • Products description 
  • Guest post writing
  • Write for company

Assignment writing:

If you have a good knowledge about creating assignment in soft or hard form then you can start assignment writing work. There are many platform available to give assignment service to students. First of all join Facebook assignment writing groups and forums and make a post about your service. 
Join freelancer websites like, Fiverr, Up work, Peoples per hour and many other website 
First of all create account on these site write eye catching your profile description and create a GIG include all your writing skills and experience in your gig and post it on all platform and wait for order. When you receive order then complete the order and deliver it on time to increase your reputation on these sites.

Content writing: 

Content writing is most famous writing work in these days many companies and individual are looking for content for their websites. If you have good experience in content writing then you can give this service to websites owner and generate good income. In content writing there are many ways to give your service, product description writing, website article, copy writing and more.


Blogging is best choice in my opinion to earn with writing. In blogging you can create many types of blog website according to writing niches, health, science, technology, information, education, jobs, and many other service. 
To start a blogging career you need to join blogger or WordPress to make a your blog website.
Blogger is free service offered by google to start a blog. 
Create a blog and write articles for your blog when your blog start getting traffic then apply for ads network like, AdSense, ezoic and media net. Submit your website for review and make money when your site get approved. 
You can also start affiliate blogging career in this you need to write blog  and put affiliated link your blog posts to make referral money.  

Products Description:

Contact online store owners and tell them that you have a good experience in products writing. When they hire you then you can start writing for them. But you can start selling your own products by this method.

Guest post: 

You can give a guest post writing service for many websites owners. In this regard you need to join high DA and PA websites contact their admin about your skills and tell them you can sale guest post on their website with quality and SEO friendly content. Make some extra cash with guest posting.

Write for a Company:

There are many companies that providing content writing services to their clients. You can join these companies as a employees and give company good written articles and generate good amount of money with writing.


Making money with writing is not difficult if you have a passion of writing. There are many ways to make money with writing. Start a blog, online store, affiliated websites and many other ways to earn money with writing.

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